Sunday, December 3

One of the most hilarious things I've heard in quite a while. Give li'l Becky a listen while I get over my exams..cheers!

Friday, December 1


Just happen to catch a movie today...Serendipity. Some one had told me ages ago to watch the flic. Had a tear after such a long time... Comfort was more like ti...comfort in the fact that there are more of them out there people like me.. ..the writers .. some audience who might have got influences.
Though our lives all we try to do is fit in. fit in with the clique at school... thru college.. collegues a t work.. fit in.. but some where deep inside ...every one of us hopes that we find some one in life... who already is built for us...

To cards of fate and a hopeful eye....Cheers~

Saturday, November 25


Went in for an early morning jog with a bunch of runners. Got a whole bunch of strange sights to see. We had regular marathon runners(road bullies) running past us. Then there were the cyclists..all decked up in their cycling gear from head to toe(that's one thing I've seen about the Sods over here , when they get into anything, they don all possible accessories that might have possibly been invented for that activity). Wonder how many miles they cycle after all that natak? Then we had a bunch of old ladies n old dudes with modified bicycles ..sitting cosily in their seats and peddling away. Last but not the least there was a babe in a wheelchair... (overtaking us on the downhill) After new found humility ,I went till the lake ...sat there taking a bit of nature in and came back home.
Kept wondering all along about the chic on the wheelchair ... Man! she must be some fitness freak!
Got me a new Maori pendant a twisted hook. Twist is for eternity and Hook is for luck... Lets see if the Sea smiles on me
PS: I have a strange feeling that this is not fish bone :-S Wonder if it is cow bone. Wonder if it is wot I think it is... is it bad to have around the neck ??? yelp!
Amazing day today... Had tons of people complained of having to work inside while it was such a beautiful day outside. This is one thing I love about the fogies over there.They truly agonize if they have to let some some sun go to waste....quite refreshing to see people appreciate nature so much!

Friday, November 24


Dunno why I was suddenly missing most of the junta back home. Goofing off with the gang to go to Wellington or meeting the chaddis for some grub. It all used to be lotsa fun. I'm sure it still is. That bluddy J is gonna be lootofying tons of fun by now. But he is not getting the best deal. Why... coz he just doesnt get the importance of Vadapav or Tapri chinese.I'm gonna go meet him and probably teach him a thing or two....
Luck's biryani,
Rasoi thali,
Candies' salad,
Seekh kebab from Kurla or Moh Ali road
Firni from the same joint
Maddus' Anda Dosa!
Irani kheema pav,
India Coffee house scrambled eggs, Brownie Point brownies,
Gelattos from phoenix mills
Stickwali kulfi,
Fatkon chinese dinner,
Cheap chinese,
Khau galli Pav bhajis,
Hiranandani egg franky,
Airoli's secret panipuri joint
Carter Rd. Kebabwala...
Idly chilly from wotsthatnameofthatplace near ro's house
Shiv sagar's crispy meddu wadas n dosas

I oughta remind him wot these were for starters :) Teach him to appreciate life in the junk food lane

To Titbits and Manna from heavenly roadside .... Cheers~

Tuesday, November 21

I'm weird

Was talking to couple of blokes from back home (Viva Y!chat). As with guys ,the topic normally swerves from bikes to booze to Sex effortlessly. As the talk went on, everyone seemed to agree that if you hadn't done it for some time, you don't yearn for it that much. But if you are getting some action, you are bound to be more distracted and are going to want it more!
I've not been in the game for some time and so I agree with that. But the strange thing is that while the rant of the day was about bottoms and boobies... wot I really missed were the kisses... the warm fun ,passionate ones which make the world around u melt into a blurry blob!

I'm weird,right ?

I feel sad coz' I couldn't recall the last time I had one of those.We never realise it when its the last time , and miss out on savouring so much

Man ,I'm weird.
Wish i could be normal, be happy like the rest of the guys ,content with Pamela's and J'lo muse

To Last kisses and Carpe Diem...Salut

Tuesday, November 14

More Ramblings

Sham: See if we've got wot we r looking for...its just that we won’t value it coz v know we have it...n look for something which we don’t have

S: I always tend to do that

Max: yea

Max: Is it the reason why we yearn so much n search so much

S: when I know that this is mine...I loose my interest in it...n instead focus on something new

Max: same here

Max: wonder wot the future holds

S: will we learn n cherish something which we know is ours n not keep searching for impractical things

Max: will I find my soul mate…

Max: or will I settle for the average

Max: or will I be insane n lost forever!

S: I don’t MAX...I ask that to myself as well

S :nah the 3rd option is not quite possible with u....

Max :we are in the third option dodo! And insanity is getting bitter by the minute

Max :still madly yearning for the unknown

S: I’s so true

Sunday, November 12

My Worst Scar

Fate: 1. the supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events. 2. A final result or consequence; an outcome. Many cultures have different words to describe this idea... Kismet, Karma, Destiny, Moira, Fortune, Luck, etc...

Me across the world..My heart on the flip side... She says she went to find new work... She says she is joining in to a small company and the guy who has a thing for her just happens to be there... She says she is doing for the money and will make her family happy She says ..she says ...she says!

If one made ones' own destiny...I sure as hell would have scored the heartbreaks off .. clawed my off my worst scars!

Friday, November 10

Why do we...

Why do we...
Allow some one to grind our hearts so bas....shw is still there. Says she cant go on without talking to me.. her voice mail melted me... Every time I get my heart ripped out of my chest...n when she gives it into my hand... i feel hopeful again... atleast she gave it in my hand I say!

I am a great believer in Nature n science. But I, cant figure out , for the life of me(n i do mean it this time) as to why we go all crazy in love. The best decision makers can act like kids in a candy store when it comes to Love!C'mon Mamma Nature... get your act fixed...

How the greats have fallen
... to the whispers of a weep!

Wednesday, November 8

Hippocrite n Why me!

Wot ball??
Why do I hate Hippocrites
I mean..I have made peace with the fact that lot of weak people are like that... Too weak to stick to their words,their cause or their so called passion!or put their money where their mouth is

I have made peace with the fact that half of my friends are gonna date some one and marry some one exactly the opposite. They hav it ingrained that a spouse is not a friend but a Partner of sorts and hence needs to ahve different traits

I have made peace with the fact that people will not own up their mistakes and will take the easy way out .Their loss coz they will never grow

--- but why do I get this way when a new one pops up - I knew it was bound to happen !

Tuesday, November 7

Voices On MUTE

I'm frustrated ,
'coz people fail to get me..
However lucid I try and be!
Eternal right of the hasty, behind blinds
Or eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!


Sunday, November 5


Why are things soo beautiful.. especailly when you just you can't have them...
Why are humans wound up like this, with the yearn feeding itself till you lose pragmatism or your sanity
And why the hell are we not able to be wise and straight with the people we love and cherish... we have had enough practice at it with rest of the world!!!

Sometimes, despite all your best choices and all your best intentions... fate wins anyway. All you can then be is hollow!

Saturday, November 4


Luv Sham. She's always been there for me . My best friend n doppelgänger!

S : guess wot me gonna sing a song tonight....

M : o my god.... n the victims ?

S : hey I aint that bad...

M : he he ...

S : they've heard me before...n they want me to sing again..I ain’t that bad…am i


M : Go try out lobster tonight

Sham :I get nice n swollen lips in return...hehe Allergies dude!

M: oooo.... that! can be a turn on!

Sham : oh u bet it is...

Sham : its the first thing I notice on a guy...hehe

M : ur heart out... Sham.. eat ur prawn out

Sham : LOL

M : I got good lips.. at least one of my GF's used to be total fida on them

Sham : Gimme lobsters n watch!


S: I’ve seen n been n felt love...n I don’t think it'll happen again

S: trust me it won’t

M: the butterflies might kick in late

M: about falling in love ..n that u know when u fall

M: it has not really been true ..not always atleast

S: yes I me...I’ve never felt like that ever except for once

S: n I know it feels like coming the person u wanna c every moment in front of u..

M: the lost faces, the stupid smiles

S: even if u r dead tired after smile from him...n I’ll just melt

M: n the day dreaming

S: totally!

Thursday, November 2

Of Old Caves N Craves!

My frustration for the day started with finding a stupid Rs 100 note in a jacket i'd got from India.I sailed off to la la land thinking of all the different ways I could have spent it back home... Junk food, stupid CD's or this nice li'l place called Cafe Mondegar where we used to start off our weekend from, going clubbing or just chilling. Man I miss that place n the friends i used to bump into. To add to that...I got scraps from 3 different people who are going there this weekend... Talk about salt over u r wounds!Yeouch!

Tuesday, October 31

Halloween blues

Wish I cud afford to spend time in/on halloween..
>Sulks n goes back to books <


ooo Man! It gets better... There are Halloween balls happening all around my Lab!Toga Parties , Playboy bunnies, Angels n Marlyn Monroes all around the place. Soo feel like ducking onto the loo, grabbing a roll of toilet paper...n sport a Mummy Returns to one of these parties... On a smaller scale... should probably blow up a rubber glove tuck it in my belt and go Moooo!
Here I am sitting and learning some old french guys equation for this french ladys exam and advancing her research! If I hav a time machine..I'm gonna go into the past, n stop neanderthal Man from settling in france... Go to scotland ..Kilts are weird but scotch is nice!!!


Ahh! My pet page!
Happy that U, out there had a Blast!Halloween is well worth it. I did manage to get to a local watering hole before the last call! Had a Hulk and Ninja sitting on the neighbouring stools! Made friends with the bartender < those bartending hobby classes that I took helped>
Made a Mojo Mohawk ...thats wot they called the concoction that I suggested... Last round on the house and smiles on all 4 of our faces!

Happy Halloween Ya'll! Hope u guys had a rockin nite too!!!

Friday, October 27

Falling Flat

Been Orkutting a lot these days... I guess its the loss of belonging and the yearn for it that drives this madnes.. N guess wot .There is this gurl frm this community who is seems really really awesome.Soo awesome that for the first time EVER , I unloaded some cheesy Pick up lines
Sufficient to say face hurt from falling flat

Thursday, October 26

Fight back

It was never going to be easy. They sure as hell ,were not gonna make it easy!When you come to one of these things you psych your self up, try to convince yourself that you are gonna be better than the best.But addages are as true as they come.OLD habits DIE hard!Sure ...u stay with the class for the first couple of sessions ... learn and do the homework on time.But then solwly but surely old habits creep in. You Rationalize , Procrastinate, and sometimes GIVE UP!
Those three the highlights of my last month. I have slowly receded into my old ways.
Got quite a kick in the form of marks for my examination. Here I am .. vowing to do it right this time... give it all I got! Lets see how far I can keepup this impetus.
The trick is if you act like a geek and study like a geek, you will at some point of time find the passion in studies, n from there on its autopilot. I'm hoping to make it to the Autopilot in the nick of time. Lets see wot the future holds in store!!!

Saturday, October 21

BIG Joe answered this Mo

My Gramma taught me that everyday God dude comes to visit you and grant your one wish/answer your query !!!

It was Diwali and I was happy to have got my new phone. We were driving 47 miles to the next town to go to an Indian Restaurant to eat some samosas. My mellow digresion during the drive was rudely interrupted by a tiny old lady driving a huge ford 150. Our car was barely reaching till her door handle... its that massive.Ahh these blokes and their need for supersizing everything!!
The intriguing thing about U.S is that a whopping number of people here have trucks. And I began to wonder what the hell is wrong with these guys .Why would they be carrying in their Huge 4x4 trucks.
Guess the BIG G was paying me a visit then.Coz i sure got my answer right there!

Should have asked for Nirvana!

<--Truck carrying a Plane Truck carryin a car-->

Tuesday, October 17

The game

Had My first Mid-terms today. Went aweful! was not because the paper was screw. I was because I was ill prepared. I have been lax for a while and it blazes right through.
Funny thing I heard the other day. Its a game; U are either in it Or U are IT!

There isnt a single thing in my head which tells me why I want to be a mechanical engineer..but there are a thousand escape hatches; rationalizations ; staring at me,beggin me to quit.

Not Me...I am not dropping the ball this time.I could quit...but here's the thing.I love the playing field,the high .. the hight that u get after a marathon 24 hr study or after successfully completing a project... kicking aside the tired soul ,shrugging aside the dreary eyes... I am going in for that High..

I am going to make it!

Monday, October 16

Fátima y el Futuro

Its 11:06 Pm . Dead tired but got an exam coming up tomorrow. I have around 4 hours of video to watch and taken notes.N I'm drifting off to sleep. N strangely enough ...In my dreams I wonder 'Where am I headed. Should I be doing this. Is this wot my life is meant to be'

How I wish I had a crystal ball...which works!!!

Sunday, October 15


The light at the end of the tunnel , or may be it is hope .Eyes are the windows to the soul ! I do believe in this because in some peoples eyes you can see them ...dead, given up on the world , strangely enough they are here in the city.
The other end of the rainbow is an image from back home of a street urchin... drenched in the downpour , body shivering away....but the eyes , they tell me a different tale , they tell me he is a fighter, fighting tooth and nail .. not to cause riots or mugg but to fight for simple joys of existance

Friday, October 13

Moby's Laughter

Years from now i wont remember every friday night

or the things that made us laugh so hard till our stomachs hurt but...

I will always remember that, you were the ones who were there.

Tuesday, October 3

I aint' never goin' anywhere

Semi, partly ,incomplete, darkness filling the rest. Hate one of those times when something good comes along , but JU've got to have some one to share with just to appreciate it
Hate being such a half person!
No I'm not crazy ( I hope)


Sunday, October 1


Nice picture.. a monk kids picture radiating calm with all the chaos surrounding it.. U r welcome to make ur own interpretation!

Friday, September 29


Hit or Miss! It Surely does replace Ctrl!
But I say Give in , give in to those butterflies in the belly, the sweet pain of longing , the Magic ...

Sunday, September 17

umbrella boots

Was feeling especially low this weekend... stumbled on to this picture of this cutie stomping her way thru wilderness. The colours the texture, the unseen but not unfelt attitude n blissful innocence... the sure did pep me up :)