Thursday, October 26

Fight back

It was never going to be easy. They sure as hell ,were not gonna make it easy!When you come to one of these things you psych your self up, try to convince yourself that you are gonna be better than the best.But addages are as true as they come.OLD habits DIE hard!Sure ...u stay with the class for the first couple of sessions ... learn and do the homework on time.But then solwly but surely old habits creep in. You Rationalize , Procrastinate, and sometimes GIVE UP!
Those three the highlights of my last month. I have slowly receded into my old ways.
Got quite a kick in the form of marks for my examination. Here I am .. vowing to do it right this time... give it all I got! Lets see how far I can keepup this impetus.
The trick is if you act like a geek and study like a geek, you will at some point of time find the passion in studies, n from there on its autopilot. I'm hoping to make it to the Autopilot in the nick of time. Lets see wot the future holds in store!!!

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